Tag: Kuswar

Diamond cuts (Tukdi)

I’m quiet surprised that I’m making another snack for Christmas. After my Sweet curls recipe this is my second recipe on Christmas goodies. I prepared this yesterday and I loved the way they turned out.

Diamond cuts or Tukdi (we call it in konkani at home) is a traditional snack. It’s still a favorite snack to munch on while at home. They are crunchy, fluffy and hollow. It is made in different varieties, sweet or biscuit flavored. I made a small batch of it and the recipe is very easy.

Have a joyous Christmas 🎄🎅

Preparation time: 1 hour

Cooking time: 30 mins

Utensil : Pizza cutter/biscuit cutter

Roller pin



Vegetable oil for deep frying

Unbleached All-purpose flour/Maida + extra for dusting – 250 g

Unsalted butter (soft)- 2 tbsp

Chickpea flour – 25 g

Salt – 1/3 tsp

Water – 1/2 cup or as required for the dough ( *EDIT), room temp




1. In a medium bowl, add all-purpose flour,  chickpea flour, salt, butter. Mix together with your hand. Add water in parts and knead until you get a soft elastic dough. It’ll tend to be sticky at the beginning, keep kneading until it becomes smooth.



2. Prepare a rolling surface, dust the surface with flour. Take a small portion of the dough and form a ball. Place it on rolling surface and sprinkle some flour again. This will help prevent sticking.


Now, using a rolling pin, roll the dough thin (not too thin or thick).


3. Using a small biscuit roller/pizza cutter, cut the flour vertically with 1.5 cm spacing between each line. Then, cut them in horizontal direction that shape it into a diamond form.

vertical cut of doughhorizontal cuts

diamond cuts from dough

Carefully transfer them, by using a knife edge to slide them onto a flat plate without disrupting it’s shape.


4. After your done making diamond cuts. Heat a container with oil on medium-high heat (If your using induction, keep it on 7).

5. Drop a piece to check if the oil is hot. It’l start sizzling and bubbling. Slide the diamond cuts in oil in batches, not to over-crowd them. It will start puffing up. Stir them gently so they get separated. Let it fry for a minute or two, until golden brown.

tukdiyo, tukdi, diamond cuts


6. Strain them into paper towel. Pour the next batch until all are done deep-frying.

diamond cuts, snack


Mangaloran snack, christmas snack


* Keep them in airtight container to retain the crispiness once they have completely cooled down.


For updates on posts and recipes to come please follow the Fb page >> Delicious Sweet Aroma




*While kneading the dough, if it tends to be sticky add some flour.

*Dust generous amount of all-purpose flour before running the biscuit roller otherwise they stick to the plate which will tend to loose its shape while sliding into hot oil.



More on Christmas Recipes:

Sweet Curls /Kidyo or Kulkuls

Rose Cookies – Mangalorean Kokisan (NEW)

Traditional Christmas Cake – Fruit Cake (NEW)






Stay healthy!


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Kidyo or Kulkuls (Sweet Curls)

These are my first time actually making homemade Christmas goodies or snacks and it turned out pretty amazing.  I believe everyone celebrates Christmas differently. It’s my first Christmas with my husband and I thought of preparing these delicious snacks of crispy sweet curls we usually make at home with family, to get into the Christmas spirit.

Kidyo (Kul Kuls) in Konkani is a snack prepared as one of Christmas goodies (called Kuswar) in South-India, especially in my hometown Mangalore, during Christmas. Initially, you prepare a dough with flour, butter, salt and coconut milk, shape them into curls, deep-fry and then coat them with sugar-glaze. It is crunchy, hollow on the inside. Tastes delicious with or without the glaze. We have grown up helping my mom preparing them since childhood. Holiday treats are creative and takes a lot of effort, but it’s worth it.

I made an attempt to set a schedule to prepare it during the weekend, so my husband could help me with it as it gets done faster. More the people, the merrier it is. I made a small batch of sweet curls for just the two of us. They can be made using a fork or a medium sized comb with teeth. A fork gives a wider impression/mould and makes a smaller sized curls slightly different than a comb. I used a comb, since I was more comfortable with it and it looks more prettier with thinner striations.

Merry Christmas to you! 🎄Have a wonderful holiday.

Preparation time: 1- 1.5 hrs

Cooking time – 30 minutes

Quantity made for 2



Vegetable oil for deep frying

Fork / Comb with teeth (depending on the number of individuals)

All-purpose flour / Plain flour/ Maida – 500 g

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Butter – 2 tbsp, (softened at room temperature)

Coconut milk – 1 1/4 cup (or as required to make a smooth dough)

Coconut milk, salt, butter, four/maida for chris


For Sugar Glaze:

White Confectioner / powdered Sugar- 1/2 cup

Water – 1/4 cup



Making the dough:

1. In a large bowl, combine flour, salt, butter. Mix. Add in small quantities of coconut milk working it into the flour using your hands. Punch and knead the dough, until a soft elastic dough is formed. It will tend to be sticky at the beginning but as you work through it, the dough becomes less sticky.

dough for sweet kurls during Christmas

Cover your dough with a damp cloth or a lid so it doesn’t get dry.

Preparing the Kidyo: This can be done by using a fork or a medium sized comb. I used the traditional way by using a comb.

2. Prepare a working surface. Take a small portion of the dough.

dough for sweet curls

Roll it back and forth on working surface (or by placing in between the palm of your hand and roll it back and forth) applying gentle pressure to taper the dough on the outer edges. Repeat for the other end of the strand or the areas which are fatter than the rest.


Using a small knife start cutting the strand into small bits of 1 cm thickness. making this gets easier and faster than removing bits  of dough directly from the large portion of dough, preventing from making unequal size of curls.



3. Holding a comb in hand, place the dough over the teeth of the comb (If your using a fork, place the dough on back of your fork). Press it and flatten it gently (step 2, picture) . With you thumb, roll it away from you (step 3,4,5 picture). While ending the curl (step5, picture) seal them so they don’t open while frying.

Repeat the same for the rest and place it on a large plate without sticking them to each other.

How to make kidyo /sweet curls from dough

When this strand of dough is almost done. Continue from point 2. Finish making the kidyo/curls, until atleast half of your dough left, before starting to fry them.

how to make kulkuls/kidyo


Deep Frying:

4. Heat a container with oil on medium-high. When the oil is hot enough (oil will start bubbling if it is hot enough) carefully drop a portion of kidyo/kulkuls, make sure not to over-crowd.

making kidyo and deep-frying


Stir them gently so they get separated. Let it fry, until golden brown, by stirring a couple of times in between (this might take approximately 5 minutes).

how to prepare kidyo/kulkuls/sweet curls for christmas


Strain them into paper towel. Pour the next batch until all are done.

Once they have all completely cooled down, transfer them into a sealed container or large zip-lock bags if you are gazing them the next day.


Sugar Glazing: They need not be glazed, based on personal choice. You can leave out the sweet glaze for a less sweet treat.

* Place sugar and water together in a cooking pot. 

how to sugar glaze

*Cook the sugar and water over high heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved. bring this mixture to a boil.

* To check if it has turned into a glaze, drizzle few drops into a stainless steal spoon dipped into bowl of water. If it hardens. It’s done.

hot to sugar glaze

*Immediately, glaze the curls or kidyo in parts and mix as you pour the syrup to coat all the curls.

Christmas kuswar sugar glazing kidyo/kulkuls

* Let the kidyo/curls/kulkuls cool. The coated sugar glaze hardens by time.

how to make christmas kuswar or sweets

*Store them in airtight container.



*When glazing the kidyo, make sure the syrup is used immediately after it’s removed from the heat. Otherwise, it hardens quickly if left to cool at room temperature and will have to repeat the sugar glazing process. You can glaze half batch and leave the other half unglazed if you prefer non-sweet curls.

*Make sure to frequently agitate the curls when deep-frying to fry them evenly, until brown.



Stay healthy!


More on Christmas Recipes:

Diamond Cuts (Tukdi)



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