Month: September 2016

Prawn Fried Rice Recipe

A quick and easy one pot rice recipe is the Fried Rice. I picked up this recipe from my sis-in-law back then when I used to visit them in a countryside. This is almost exactly her recipe.

It is a great way to use left over rice or prepare it quickly for many servings.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes (plus cooking rice 20 mins)


Oil – Vegetable/Olive


Green bell pepper – 1

Red bell pepper – 1

Green beans – 1/2 cup

Carrots – 1/2 cup


For the rice:

Cooked rice – 1 cup, (I used freshly cooked rice, you can also use left-over rice)

Ground black pepper – 1 tsp

Sweet chili sauce – 2 tbsp

Chicken stock – 1 cube, mixed in warm water

Spring onion – 1/2 cup, chopped

Prawns – 1 cup, whole or halved (I cut them into halves)

pepper powder  – pinch (for prawn)

Red chili powder – pinch (for prawn)

Egg – 2, lightly beaten with addition of a pinch of salt






1. Cut the ingredients into uniform size for an easy stir-fry. Set them aside.


green beans, carrots



2. Heat a wok or deep pan with 1 tsp of oil.Swirl the pan to coat the pan evenly. To determine the wok is hot enough flick droplets of water, they will evaporate in a matter of seconds (make sure not to overheat). Now, its ready to stir-fry the ingredients.


3. Stir Fry:

Add the beaten eggs, stir-fry and scramble using a wooden spatula for 1- 2 minutes. Transfer it on a large plate.


Then add the carrots and green beans. Fry till tender crisp, for couple of minutes (I fried this separately as it takes longer time to be crispy-tender). Transfer into the same plate containing eggs.

Then, stir-fry peppers until tender crisp. Transfer to the plate.

Do the same for prawns, add 1/4 tsp salt, pepper powder, red chili powder, stir-fry on high till it turns slightly brown. Set it aside in the plate.

prawn stir-fry

Prawn stir-fry

prawn, bell-pepper, green beans, carrots, egg

Stir-fry mixture

4. Heat the wok with 1 tbsp oil, set it on low heat. Add a little portion of the above stir-fry mixture and a slight portion of  cooked rice,  1 tbsp sweet chili sauce,  add half of  the stock . Mix lightly.

.white rice

Chicken stock


Then with rest of stir-fried mixture, rest of the rice add remaining stock . Mix to combine everything. 

Fried Rice

Garnish with spring onion.



5. Serve hot. Can be served with sweet chili sauce.

Fried Rice





*For left over cold rice, add 1 tbsp oil, stir through to split the rice grains for a couple of minutes until heated. Add the stir-fried mixture and follow the steps as mentioned ion step 4.

*If you do not have let over rice. Prepare an hour in advance and spread it over a pan or refrigerate to cool faster.





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Lotus Leaf Buns (steamed with sweet coconut-jaggery filling)

Lotus Leaf Bun is a chinese steamed bun, named after their shape as it is folded in the form of a lotus leaf with a opening with variations in filling like meat, prawns or sweet. They are also called as Bau, pau in Mandarin or Chinese bun which is locally found at hawkers or restaurants in Singapore.

I bought the Leaf Buns at a local supermarket. It was already cooked and just needed a filling. So, I split the bun and filled it with sweet coconut-jaggery, is commonly used filling in our Mangalorean sweet dishes. While steaming the jaggery melts with its juicy flavor and sweetness.The sweetness depends on the  amount of jaggery used for the filling.  It can be served for breakfast or as a quick tea time snack.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes


Leaf Bun / Pau / any bun – 10 pieces

Pounded jaggery – 1/4 cup

Grated Coconut – 2/3 cup

Cardamom seeds/Powder – 2 pinch, if using the seeds then powder them with a pestle



1. In a small bowl add the powdered jaggery, coconut and cardamom powder. Mix with a spoon.

coconut, jaggery, cardamom

2. Slice these delicate lotus leaf buns with a knife. Consider stopping just short of the long end (this way, you can open it up like a hot dog bun and stuff it with the filling).

Lotus Leaf Bun

3. Stuff the buns with the coconut-jaggery filling using a small spoon.

Bun, Lotus Leaf Bun

4. Place them on a steamer basket with parchment paper as a lining. Cover with a Al-foil.

Lotus Leaf Buns (steamend with sweet coconut jaggery filling)

5. Fill a pot with water. Get it to a boil. Place the basket over the pot (this can also be done using a rice cooker). Steam on medium heat for 10 minutes without disturbing.


6. Remove the foil that covers the basket (hot steam is released when removing, hence make sure not to burn yourself). You will notice that the jaggery filling has melted making it juicy.

Enjoy hot leaf buns with sweet juicy filling. I love having them for tea.

Lotus Leaf Bun



Stay Healthy!


*Sweet flavor can be adjusted based on the quantity of jaggery incorporated.



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Beef Meatball Curry

This is my second best dish of beef mince I am posting here today. Beef meatball curry recipe has a delicious creamy texture with a sweet taste. Since I used thick sour yogurt it was slightly sour which enhanced the flavor with other combination of spices. Adding yogurt can also reduce the heat of the dish, hence you can adjust the addition of yogurt. It can be served with rice, used as a dip with bread or as a side dish.


Preparation time: 25 minutes

Cooking time: 35 minutes


Minced Beef – 250 g

Cumin seeds – 1 tsp

Stew powder – 2 tbsp

Coriander powder – 2 tbsp

Ginger-Garlic paste – 1/2 tbsp

Red chili powder – 1 tbsp

Thick Yogurt – 5 tbsp, lightly whisk using a spoon before adding 

Coriander leaves for garnish 

For paste:

Fenugreek seeds – 1/4 tsp

Onions – 1 medium, roughly chopped

Green chilies – 1

Coriander seeds – 1 tbsp (optional if your adding later as a powder)

Red dried chilies – 2

Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp

Thick Yogurt – 1 tbsp

Water – 1 cup

For the meat balls:

Onions – 1 small, chopped finely

Ginger-Garlic paste – 1 tbsp

Coriander leaves – 1 tbsp

Red chili powder – 1 tbsp

Stew powder – 1 tsp

Eggs – 1 

Thick Yogurt – 1 tbsp

Gram flour – 1 tbsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp



1. To the mince meat, add the ingredients mentioned under meat balls. Mix well with a spoon and set aside for 20 – 30 minutes. Make round balls of 4-5 cm diameter. Reserve for later.

onions chopped

Finely chopped Onions

meat ball ingredients

Meat balls

Beef balls

2. Heat 1 tbsp ghee on medium. Add the fenugreek seeds and onions (mentioned under paste). Fry for 3-4 minutes or until the onions are slightly brown. Let it cool.

Onions, fenugreek seeds

3. In a blender add little water, the fried mixture, red chili, green chili, yogurt, turmeric powder.

curry paste, blender

4. Using a deep sauce pan heat 2 tbsp ghee. Add the paste from the blender and fry for 1 minute. Add the reserved paste along with the water. 


5. Add cumin seeds, stew powder, ginger-garlic, red chili powder, 1/2 tsp salt, coriander powder, whisked yogurt. Add more water if necessary (curry must be thick). Mix well. Leave it on medium heat to boil.

curry paste

6. Add the meat balls one by one. Cover and cook to boil. Keep it on low to cook for another 5 minutes. 

beef meat ball

Garnish with coriander leaves before serving. 

Beef Meatball Curry





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Garlic Shrimp fry

Shrimps are one of my favorite. This pan fried shrimp recipe is one of the easy recipes to prepare when your craving to have something fried with spice. Not shelling the shrimp gives it a glorious spice filled flavor of garlic. I used fresh garlic as I was out of stock of garlic paste. If you have garlic paste, using it would allow the shrimps to absorb the juices faster from the marinade paste.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 15 -20 minutes


Whole shrimps – 250 g, Washed with legs and veins removed

Olive oil / Butter for frying

Garlic clove – 1


For the marinade

Fresh Garlic – 1 tbsp, minced

Fresh Ginger – 1/2 tsp, minced

Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp

Vinegar – 1 tbsp

Light Soya sauce – 1 tsp

Red kashmiri chili powder – 1 1/2 tbsp

Paprika powder – 1 tsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp



1. Marinate the Shrimps with the ingredients mentioned under marinade overnight or for 1 hour.



2. Heat oil in a pan on medium-high heat and drop a piece of garlic. Fry for a couple of seconds and then thrown in the shrimps.


Shrimp fry

3. Cover and fry for 2 minutes. Flip the sides and cook for another 2 minutes. You will see the water steaming out slowly and shrimps curling. Let the water dry out. Fry for another 2-3 minutes. 


4. Repeat the same for the rest of the shrimps.

Serve hot and enjoy as a starter!Garlic Prawn Fry.



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Mangalorean Pancake With Pandan

Makes: 12 – 15

Preparation time: 20 minutes plus soaking time for 2 hrs

Cook time: 25 minutes

Mangalore is a small town where I grew up, which is located along the coast in South-West of India along the Arabian Sea with its beaches, popular for its sunset views. If you plan to visit south of India make sure to try this for breakfast in the local restaurants. The pancake filling of coconut just kills your hunger with its taste and flavor. These pancakes are called as ‘panpole’ (pan-pole) in Konkani (mother-tongue) and ‘Neer-Dosa’ in Tulu/Kannada language (spoken locally).

I always visit this one local bakery in Singapore, where they always have many different varieties of breads and baked cakes. So, as I was strolling by, I paused to take a peek. While buying my usual bread, at the cash counter they sold a limited quantity of these green rolled pancakes which enticed me to try them out. As I munched, to my surprise, I found this coconut filling inside which got back my memories of Mangalorean pancake filling. They are traditionally plain white made from rice grains with a combination of freshly grated coconut. In this recipe I have used the color green from the leaves of Pandan which also has an aromatic flavor for enhancement. You can skip the color and make them plain white as well.




White small grain rice – 1 1/4 cup (Idli / Surai) *see notes

Vegetable Oil – 2 Tbsp (for greasing)

Grated coconut (optional) – 3 tbsp, for the batter

Water  for the batter

Pandan Leaves/ Juice – 3 (optional for color)


Extra grated coconut for the pancake filling + Sugar (optional)



For the color ( Optional )

+ Cut the pandan leaves into 3 inches and wash them thoroughly with water.


+ Cut them thinly. Place in a blender with 1/4 cup water to make a paste enough to squeeze the liquid.

pandan leaves

+ Place a strainer over a bowl and transfer the paste into the strainer. Using a spoon press the solid paste to separate the liquid in the bowl.

Pandan juice, paste

+ Set aside the pandan juice.




1. Soak the rice for 2.5 hours.

small grain rice

2. Grind the rice, grated coconut if using, pandan juice and 1/2 cup of water for a few minutes in a blender until smooth paste (I always make it in batches where it is half filled so that it can blend smoothly without over filling. If you add too much water it might be hard to get a smooth paste. It shouldn’t be too grainy when running it through you fingers). Transfer the batter into a container.


pancake batter

3. Now, add 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 cup of water to make a thin batter. Prepare a small bowl or plate with 2 tbsp of vegetable oil and half onion pinned with a fork to grease the pan (my mom used to do this for easier greasing). Discard the onion after use. 

pancake batter

onion,oil, greasing

4. Get the pan hot on medium heat (I used a flat non-stick pan). Dip the onion in

vegetable oil and grease the pan with oil.


5. Using a ladle, pour the mixture at the center (you will hear a sizzle if the pan is hot enough), swirl the pan quickly to spread the batter so that it covers the base of the pan and cover with a lid. Cook for 1 minute and transfer to cool.

Mangalore pancake

6. Fold the pancake into quarter after cooling. Repeat the  above step for the rest of the batter.

mangalore pancake, panpole

7. Serve hot with gravy or curry. I ate a few with coconut. It was filling!

Mangalorean Pancake With Pandan

 For plain pancake or neer dosa you can serve it with any dip of choice. We sometimes use chutney of coconut and coriander as a dip for breakfast which can be done in minutes.


*for more pictures on white grain, idli or dosa rice used please refer link.


Serving with coconut:

+ In a bowl take few tablespoons of freshly grated coconut with required amount of sugar. Mix.

grated coconut, sugar

+ Place 1 tbsp of the coconut mix on one end of the pancake, an inch apart from the circumference, fold the corners and roll. Serve hot or warm. 


This is how it looks without the pandan color/juice (updated)

Rice pancake/Panpale/Neer Dosa recipe | Delicious Sweet Aroma


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Pineapple, Honey and Pistachio Flapjacks

It’s been a while since my last post. I have been out of town and hence didn’t find time to post. So, hold your horses, because soon I will be posting about my getaway experience.

Now since I’m back, after settling in, I tried this delicious easy snack, flapjacks recipe like an oat bar which makes it simply the best and perfect recipe to try out for family and kids with a fantastic combination of buttery sweetness that gives it a heavenly taste. It is crispy and chewy, good for all-time lunchtime or tea time snack. You can add any fruits, nuts and still get a great taste.

Preparation time: 25 minutes

Cooking time: 35 minutes


Dried pineapple – 90 g

Pistachio nuts – 40 g

Rolled oats – 120 g

dry fruit, pistachio, oats

Unsalted butter – 160 g, plus extra for greasing

Brown Sugar – 160 g

Honey – 2 tbsp



1. Preheat oven to 160 degree Celsius / 325 deg F.

2. Put the butter, brown sugar and honey in a small saucepan. Heat on medium until melted for 3-4 minutes.

brown sugar,honey, butter

3. Into a mixing bowl, tip the oats, dried pineapple and pistachio. Pour over the melted melted butter mixture and stir to combine.

dry fruit, pistachio, oats

Dried pineapple, oats and pistachio nuts

butter, brown sugar, honey

Melted butter, brown sugar and honey

4. Tip the above mixture into a 12”x 8”- rectangular greased and lined with parchment paper baking tray. Press down to flatted the surface. Bake for 30 minutes, at 160 degree Celsius or until golden brown.


5. Remove baking tray from the oven and cool in tray until crisp. Slice the flapjacks into desired pieces and serve.

Pineapple, Honey and Pistachio Flapjacks




*Keep in an airtight container for up to 3 days.




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Cream Of Chicken Soup

I do not prepare soups very often, since I live in a tropical climate. However, when I do prepare a soup, it’s the cream of chicken soup that has been on my menu once in every two weeks. I always have chicken breasts in my shopping cart for easy quick meals and this recipe has been very simple, very delicious with a creamy texture which is satisfying. It’s light and flavorful. As I keep discovering more soup recipes stay tuned.

Preparation time : 5 minutes

Cooking time : 30 minutes


Chicken breasts – 200 g, cut thinly and small

Unsalted Butter – 2 tbsp

Garlic cloves – 2, minced

Onions –  1 small, chopped

All purpose flour / Maida – 3 tbsp

Water – 2 1/2 cups

Pepper powder – 1/2 tbsp

Milk – 1/2 cup

Sugar – 1 tsp

Salt as per taste



1. Heat a saucepan, add butter. To the melted butter add garlic and onions.Stir for 1-2 minutes on medium till the onions become translucent.


2. Add flour. Stir together for a minute, add chicken pieces and 1/4 tsp salt. Mix well for a minute.

all-purpose flour

chicken breasts


3. Pour 2 cups water, pepper, combine well. Reduce heat to low, let it cook for 10-15 minutes with constant stirring to thicken as desired (the volume will be slightly reduced).

pepper,water, chicken

4. Add milk and 1/2 cup water. Mix to boil for 5 minutes. If necessary add more salt.


5. Garnish with 1 tsp of butter and serve hot with bread.

Cream Of Chicken Soup




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Easy Beetroot Rice

When I say Beetroot rice, what is the first thing you notice? Oh yes! The color, of course. It’s gorgeous purple/red color is so deep and vibrant, that when combined with rice, just makes a wonderful one pot easy recipe.

If you have tried this, then drop a feedback of your recipe.



Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 3-4


Olive oil/Ghee – 2 tbsp

Grated Beetroot – 1 big size

Basmathi rice/ Ponni rice – 1 cup

Onions (optional) – 1 medium, cut into thin long strips

Green chilies – 1

Cinnamon – 1 bark

Cardamom – 2

Fennel seeds – 1/4 tsp

Salt – 3/4 tsp

Water – 2 cups

 Beetrootbeetroot, onions



1. In a pressure cooker or deep sauce pan (see notes if your using electric rice cooker) add 2 tbsp olive oil/ghee. Fry the cinnamon, cardamom and fennel for a minute on medium.

cinnamon, cardamom, fennel seeds

2. Add onions, green chilies, grated beetroot and salt. Stir well and fry for 4 minutes until its slightly less raw.

onions, green chilies

beetroot, onions

3. Now, add rice with 2 cups of water( twice the quantity of rice taken). Mix and taste for salt. Add more if necessary. 

rice, beetroot


4. Close and cook (for pressure cookers one whistle, if using electric rice cooker check in 15 mins if the rice is cooked and make sure not to over mix)


My Beetroot Rice is ready with Papad (it’s tortilla like) and some cheesy pork sausages. Yummm!!

Easy Beetroot Rice



*If your using an electric rice cooker. First, fry all the ingredients till step 2, add rice, water and check for salt. Transfer the contents to the cooker and cook.


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