Category: Mangalorean food / South-Indian

Jelly and Custard Recipe

A basic Jelly and Custard recipe is quiet simple dessert, even simpler when they have directions provided in a package. In fact, I had previously posted a photo on my Facebook page without the recipe and thought that the recipe is very basic anyone would be able to make it. However, I wanted to share the recipe that would absolutely impress anyone especially if your a beginner. So, if your on Facebook and have missed some of my posts make sure to check it out. Also, My Instagram page is very active. 🙂

Nowadays, I’m a decent from scratch cook when it comes to baking or even making desserts. Before making this dessert I had to plan ahead of time on weather to prepare jelly first or the custard while organizing my other chores. It’s very simple with less effort, mix it with fresh fruits or just eat plain. Not many think of eating plain I believe? The reason why you see a bowl of only Jello is because I love eating plain raspberry or strawberry Jello just like that!




Preparation time: 10 minutes

Setting time: 1 – 2 hrs

Cooking time: 20 minutes



Muffin pan & 2 Dessert/Wine glasses for setting the jelly


For the jelly: I prepared this first and kept overnight in the fridge to set.

Jello pack, raspberry flavor – 1 (90 g pack, used half the pack)

Water – 250 ml ( 125 ml hot water + 125 ml cold water)

Caster Sugar – 2 tbsp or more


For the Custard: The following day 

Custard powder – 4 tbsp (Bird’s custard powder, original flavor)

Cold milk – 900 ml

Caster sugar – 4 tbsp or more




I used half the pack. Package comes with directions, here is a more precise method I used for half pack jelly crystals (You can double the water content for  whole pack).

1. Open the package.

Jelly pack

Heat a saucepan with 125 ml water (or you can use a microwave to heat water, container must be able to fill in 250 ml ).

2. Pour half pack of jelly crystals (I didn’t measure) into hot water. Add 2 tbsp of sugar.

how to prepare jelly

Dissolve Jelly, stir it until it dissolves. Once dissolved mix the rest 125 ml of cold water.

3. Prepare the muffin pan by spreading a long towel over it.

Start by positioning the glass and resting its base over a long towel at 45 degree angle so it doesn’t slip. Roll the opposite corner of the towel to support the rim as seen below. Now, remove the glasses without moving the tray & pour the jelly halfway.

Position them back onto the tray and place in the refrigerator at the top of the shelf for 1 hour or until they are set. They will set perfectly as long as they are not disturbed. I left it overnight in the fridge.

How to make layered jelly & Cus



1. Take any cup filled with 1/2 cup cold milk taken from 900 ml of milk. Add 4 tbsp of custard powder with 4 tbsp sugar.

Custard mixture

2. Mix smoothly until dissolved. In the meantime, place the rest of the milk in a saucepan to heat.

3. When nearly boiling. remove from heat, pour the mixed custard to milk, stir well.

Custard mixing into hot milk

4. Return the custard to heat and bring to boil, stirring continuously. Let it cool.

Preparing custard

Pour the custard into the set jelly glass. Place it back in the fridge and serve when ready.

Layered Jelly & Custard

Rest of the custard I mixed it with different fruits like papaya, apple, banana and served cold. You can serve warm or chilled.

Enjoy the creamy custard with jelly!

Custard with mixed fruits


Stay Healthy!



*Half pack of Jello is good enough to fill the glasses. The rest of the pack I used to eat plain 🙂



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Jackfruit Fritters (Mangalorean Cuisine)

Jackfruit  is an exotic produce popularly found in South India. If you haven’t heard of this fruit before, you sure must be wondering what in the world is that and how does it look like?  Unfortunately, I do not have a picture of the whole jackfruit to share but will surely post it here when I do. It is extremely delicious, sweet and chewy. I have known of 2 varieties: One variety has a harder flesh with crunchiness. The other variety is very soft, stringy, juicy and slips easily through your fingers as you hold them. One can just swallow without biting.

I grew up in my native with these 2 varieties of Jackfruit trees in my granny’s yard. We rarely ate the softer jackfruits during those days. We used to just sit down for lunch with a big jackfruit and eat it until we became full.  My granny and mom are experts in cutting open a Jackfruit and it is a laborious one as it gets very messy because of its sticky white fluid that oozes from its core. To cut it,  a traditional Mangalorean Implement  called ”Adalo” in Konkani, which is a small stool that is attached to a sickle at one narrow end, is commonly used to cut big fruits or vegetables that would be usually hard to cut with a hand held knife.

I prepared Jackfruit Fritters (also called as Ponsache Gariyo in Konkani) from rice grains, a traditional way my mom used to make during the season of jackfruits. Also, make sure to check out my previous post on Banana fritters in case you haven’t which can be prepared using flour. Jackfruit fritters are brown and crispy on the outside. The inside is yellow and soft, full of fruity sweet flavor. You can double the ingredients for more fritters.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Makes: 15 – 20


Raw rice/white small grain + dosa/idli rice or Surai – 1/4 cup (mixed together in equal proportion)

Jackfruit – 280 g / 10 bulbs

Cardamom pod – 1, seeds to be used

Grated Coconut – 2 tbsp

Jaggery cubes – 50g, powdered (for sweetness as required)

Pinch of Salt

Vegetable oil for deep frying


1. Soak the raw rice and dosa rice mixed together covered in water for 2 hours.

Raw rice, ponni rice

Raw rice

idli rice, surai

Idli rice or Surai

2.Remove the seeds from the jackfruit bulbs.


Place the jaggery cubes in a zip lock bag and pound them to fine powder.

jaggery cubes

jaggery mash

3. Combine the rice, jackfruit, cardamom seeds and puree in a blender until smooth.


Jacfruit batter

4. Transfer the puree to a mixing bowl. Add coconut, jaggery, salt and mix until well combined.


palm sugar, jaggery

2. Heat oil in wok on medium heat. To test if the oil is hot enough, drop a pinch of batter. If it bubbles around then its hot enough.


Now, drop in a tablespoon of batter. Cook several at a time, but do not overcrowd the wok or the temperature of the oil will be lowered. Flip the them after it turns slightly brown until it turns golden brown let it cook. Lower the heat and drain on kitchen paper.

Serve warm

Jacfruit Fritters

Jacfruit Fritters

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Banana Fritters

Have you ever had this feeling when you crave for certain food, you get homesick and just want to grab certain food from your imagination and quell hunger? Well, I got hungry and saw these over-ripe bananas languishing in my fruit box which brought me into making banana fritters for tea.

Fritters are popularly used with a variety of fruits and vegetables which are usually deep fried.

Preparation time:  10 minutes

Cook: 15 minutes

Makes: 25


Vegetable oil for deep-frying

Mashed Ripe Banana – 3 long

All-Purpose Flour –  1 1/2 cup

Grated coconut – 3 tbsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Baking powder – 1 tsp

Sugar – 1 1/2 tbsp

Rice Flour – 1/2 cup

Water – 1 cup 



1. Place the coconut, flour, salt, baking powder, sugar, rice flour into a deep container.

salt, all-purpose flour

Add all-purpose flour, salt


Add sugar

Baking powder

Baking powder

Rice flour

Rice flour

2. Pour the mashed banana into the flour mixture. Add water and mix till well combined to make a thick batter.

banana mash

banana mixture

Add banana mash and water

banana fritter mixture

3. Fill a deep-fry pan with enough vegetable oil for deep frying. Turn it on to medium heat  and leave it to heat (see notes for details).

4. Drop a tablespoon of the banana mix into the oil, and fry up to 5 or 6 at a time on medium heat (make sure not to add too much mixture as it will puff up slightly while it cooks). Keeping an eye on them, turn with a slotted spoon for a few times until they turn golden brown on each side.



Remove and drain on kitchen towels to remove excess oil. Repeat the process until all the mixture is used.


5. Serve warm , or let it cool completely. 

banana fritters


Storage suggestion

+ Store in airtight container at room temperature and use within a day




*To check if the oil is hot enough, take a pinch of the mixture and drop it in the oil, it should sizzle with bubbles surrounding it.



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Beef Cutlet

This Beef cutlet recipe specifically reminds me of my childhood, when my Mom used to make occasionally. It has has been one of my favorites in my book of recipes for years since I’ve been away from home.

It can be a light afternoon snack, appetizer or a side. They are best when served hot, and you can’t resist the aroma that circulates from the kitchen to the entire home.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cook: 15 minutes

Makes: 12 cutles


Minced beef – 250 g

Vegetable oil for deep or shallow frying

Medium Onion – 1, chopped thinly

Ginger – 1 tsp

Garlic – 1 tsp

Green Chili – 1, chopped

Pepper powder – 1 tsp 

Garam Masala powder – 1 tsp

Egg – 1

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Bread Crumbs – 1/2 cup or as required (optional, see notes)



1. Wash the minced beef in a strainer and squeeze out all the liquid possible. Transfer it into a separate container and prepare the rest of the ingredients.

beef mince

2. Combine onion, ginger, garlic, green chili, pepper powder, garam masala powder, salt.


Add 1 whole egg.


3. Mix together everything.  Make these into little patties with even thickness.



4. Coat them with breadcrumbs on each side. Tap for any excess breadcrumbs.


5. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan. When its hot enough, place the prepared beef patties in oil without overcrowding it. Brown on each side turning gently.


6. Fry for 3 – 4 minutes on medium. Remove, place it on paper towels.

Serve hot with tomato ketchup.






* Breadcrumbs are an option for crispiness. You can skip the breadcrumbs but still have a good flavor.


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