These Hot Chili Peppers which are commonly known as ‘Banana Peppers’ is named because it resembles the shape of a banana. It is 6-inch-long pepper, mild hot because of its seeds.

These banana pepper fritters are easy to make in less than 30 minutes. My husband wanted it spicy so I haven’t removed the seeds in my recipe. If you cannot take the spice, I recommend slicing the pepper vertically through the center and removing the seeds before coating with the chickpea flour.

Preparation time: 5 minutes

Cooking time: 20 minutes



Vegetable oil for deep frying

Banana peppers – 7 (spicy)

Chickpea / Gram flour (Besan) – 1 1/2 cup

Kashmiri Red chili powder – 1 tbsp

Salt – 3/4 tsp

Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp

Water – 3/4 cup




1. Prepare a paste by adding all the ingredients: flour, chili powder, salt, turmeric. Add 3/4 cup water and mix to form a thick paste. Add more water if necessary, the batter must be thick.

chili powder & besan/chickpea flour for banana

saltturmeric for hot pepper fritter


2. Coat the peppers with the above chickpea mixture. Place it separately on a plate.

chili pepper fritter coating

3. Heat a deep-wide-bottomed container with 2 inch vegetable oil set at medium for deep frying.

Once its hot enough. Carefully place the peppers in hot oil. I fried 2 at a time in batches.

deep frying banana pepper

4. Fry on each side for 2 mins until they turn brown. Transfer and drain into paper towels.

5. Serve with coriander chutney, ketchup or can just be enjoyed plain with an evening cup of tea.

pepper fritter, hot pepper fritter

inside of Banana pepper




*If you want to have a dip of coriander chutney, refer my previous post of goli baje recipe for instructions.


Hope you have a lovely Monday! Stay healthy!




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