Tag: nomnom

Banana Fritters

Have you ever had this feeling when you crave for certain food, you get homesick and just want to grab certain food from your imagination and quell hunger? Well, I got hungry and saw these over-ripe bananas languishing in my fruit box which brought me into making banana fritters for tea.

Fritters are popularly used with a variety of fruits and vegetables which are usually deep fried.

Preparation time:  10 minutes

Cook: 15 minutes

Makes: 25


Vegetable oil for deep-frying

Mashed Ripe Banana – 3 long

All-Purpose Flour –  1 1/2 cup

Grated coconut – 3 tbsp

Salt – 1/2 tsp

Baking powder – 1 tsp

Sugar – 1 1/2 tbsp

Rice Flour – 1/2 cup

Water – 1 cup 



1. Place the coconut, flour, salt, baking powder, sugar, rice flour into a deep container.

salt, all-purpose flour

Add all-purpose flour, salt


Add sugar

Baking powder

Baking powder

Rice flour

Rice flour

2. Pour the mashed banana into the flour mixture. Add water and mix till well combined to make a thick batter.

banana mash

banana mixture

Add banana mash and water

banana fritter mixture

3. Fill a deep-fry pan with enough vegetable oil for deep frying. Turn it on to medium heat  and leave it to heat (see notes for details).

4. Drop a tablespoon of the banana mix into the oil, and fry up to 5 or 6 at a time on medium heat (make sure not to add too much mixture as it will puff up slightly while it cooks). Keeping an eye on them, turn with a slotted spoon for a few times until they turn golden brown on each side.



Remove and drain on kitchen towels to remove excess oil. Repeat the process until all the mixture is used.


5. Serve warm , or let it cool completely. 

banana fritters


Storage suggestion

+ Store in airtight container at room temperature and use within a day




*To check if the oil is hot enough, take a pinch of the mixture and drop it in the oil, it should sizzle with bubbles surrounding it.



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Crispy Chicken Fry

Crispy Chicken Fry, yes! It’s chicken again, Yoho! But this one adds more crunch. Why? The crunchiness is because I used oats as a coating which is healthy and adds more fiber to your diet.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time : 25 minutes


Skinless Chicken with bones – 500 g ,  cut into small pieces

Vegetable oil – as required (see under directions, point 4)

Heavy-bottomed pot or pan 18 cm ( 7 inch ) diameter

Marinade 1: The chicken is marinated overnight. Cover and let it sit in the fridge.

Ginger-garlic paste – 3/4 tbsp

Red Chili powder – 1 tbsp (I used Kashmiri chilli powder)

Vinegar – 1 1/2 tbsp

Salt – 1/8 tbsp

Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp

Pepper powder – 1/2 tsp

Paprika powder – 1 tsp (optional)

Marinade 2: After overnight marination.

All-purpose Flour – 3/4 cup

Marinade 3: After marinating with all-purpose flour.

Egg White – 2

Oats -80 g


1. Prepare the chicken and add all the ingredients mentioned under Marinade 1. Mix well, cover and place it in the fridge overnight or 6 hrs in advance.

Chicken pieces

turmeric,chili powder, ginger-garlic, paprika powder, vinegar, Chicken

marinated chicken

2. Remove the chicken from the fridge. Prepare a plate with all-purpose flour (Marinade 2). Coat each piece with the flour on both sides. Keep it aside for half an hour.

chicken,all-purpose flour

3. Next, (Marinade 3) take 2  bowls. One bowl containing 2 egg whites (lightly beat with a fork) and the other bowl containing oats.  To the egg white add a pinch of salt.

4. Now, dip the chicken pieces with the egg white and then with the oat mix, coating evenly on both sides.

chicken, egg white


5. Once you have coated all the chicken pieces , heat a heavy-bottomed pot containing  oil up-to 2 inches.

6. Drop the chicken into the oil one by one in batches. Make sure you do not overcrowd it ( I fried 4 – 5 pieces at a time ). Fry on medium for 5 minutes turning sides in between.

vegetable oil, chicken

7. Reduce heat and remove the chicken from the oil and place it on kitchen towels.

Fried chicken is ready to serve.

Crispy Fried Chicken, oats

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