Lotus Leaf Bun is a chinese steamed bun, named after their shape as it is folded in the form of a lotus leaf with a opening with variations in filling like meat, prawns or sweet. They are also called as Bau, pau in Mandarin or Chinese bun which is locally found at hawkers or restaurants in Singapore.

I bought the Leaf Buns at a local supermarket. It was already cooked and just needed a filling. So, I split the bun and filled it with sweet coconut-jaggery, is commonly used filling in our Mangalorean sweet dishes. While steaming the jaggery melts with its juicy flavor and sweetness.The sweetness depends on the  amount of jaggery used for the filling.  It can be served for breakfast or as a quick tea time snack.

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes


Leaf Bun / Pau / any bun – 10 pieces

Pounded jaggery – 1/4 cup

Grated Coconut – 2/3 cup

Cardamom seeds/Powder – 2 pinch, if using the seeds then powder them with a pestle



1. In a small bowl add the powdered jaggery, coconut and cardamom powder. Mix with a spoon.

coconut, jaggery, cardamom

2. Slice these delicate lotus leaf buns with a knife. Consider stopping just short of the long end (this way, you can open it up like a hot dog bun and stuff it with the filling).

Lotus Leaf Bun

3. Stuff the buns with the coconut-jaggery filling using a small spoon.

Bun, Lotus Leaf Bun

4. Place them on a steamer basket with parchment paper as a lining. Cover with a Al-foil.

Lotus Leaf Buns (steamend with sweet coconut jaggery filling)

5. Fill a pot with water. Get it to a boil. Place the basket over the pot (this can also be done using a rice cooker). Steam on medium heat for 10 minutes without disturbing.


6. Remove the foil that covers the basket (hot steam is released when removing, hence make sure not to burn yourself). You will notice that the jaggery filling has melted making it juicy.

Enjoy hot leaf buns with sweet juicy filling. I love having them for tea.

Lotus Leaf Bun



Stay Healthy!


*Sweet flavor can be adjusted based on the quantity of jaggery incorporated.



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