This Jiggly soyabean product of Silken tofu is one of the vast array of tofus that are commonly used in the Asian cuisine. Silken tofu is soft, delicate and just require a little bit of skill for careful handling before they fall apart. These cakes of soft silken tofu can be eaten raw pretty straightforward right out from the package, drain excess water or steamed for a couple of minutes and topped up with ingredients of choice.

One of the reasons I do not eat tofu so often is because its bland and so boring. However, a quick sauce with fried onions, garlic and green onions gave the tofu a very good flavor and the discovery of this quick go-to recipe in no time.

Preparation time: 5

Cooking time: 12 minutes

Serves – 2



Silken tofu – 1 pack

UNICURD Silken Tofu | Vegetarian recipe | Delicious Sweet Aroma

Sunflower / Vegetable oil for deep-fry

Onion – 1 small, thinly  sliced

Soya sauce – 3 tbsp

Sesame oil – 1 tbsp

Oyster sauce – 1/2 tbsp

Garlic cloves – 1 large, finely chopped

Spring onions for garnish



Steaming the tofu:

1. Prepare a steamer or broad container with 1 cup water and bring to a boil. Place a steamer stand.

2. Since the tofu is very delicate, place a flat plate over the opening and carefully invert or flip it over, tap gently until the tofu comes out.

Place the tofu plate on the steamer stand making sure it doesn’t slide. Cover and cook for 10 minutes on medium heat.

Steaming Tofu | Easy Vegan Recipe


Preparing the topping and sauce:

3. Meanwhile, heat a container with 1/2 cup oil. When it’s hot add the sliced onions and fry tossing frequently until they have all turn golden brown. This might take at least 5 minutes.

Strain on kitchen paper towels. Set aside.

4. Heat a small pan with the sauces such as soya, sesame and oyster. Add chopped garlic and fry for a minute or 2. Turn off heat and set aside.

Preparing the sauces for tofu

5. Remove the tofu plate carefully with a pair of tongs having a good grip. Drain any liquid that has accumulated as much as possible.

Slide it on a shallow bowl. Spoon the sauce mixture over the top, then sprinkle crispy fried onions and spring onions.

Topping for Silken Tofu | Easy Recipe

Silken Tofu with Garlic & Crispy Onion | Vegan 15-Minute Recipe | Delicious Sweet Aroma

Smooth Silken Tofu | Chinese Vegan Recipe | Delicious Sweet Aroma



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