Tag: side dish

Spicy Clam Recipe – Mangalorean Style

Every time I see Clams, it reminds me of one my childhood memories of Mangalore visiting the beach during summer foraging for clams. When the tide rises the live clams that burrow in the sand come out and we dig in to catch them before they rebury themselves as they follow the waves. That day we caught large ones so pretty with beautiful designs on them I wished I could return them back to the sea. Those days are truly treasured!

Mangalore, famous for its seafood, is known for variety of local seafood delicacies. This recipe of spicy clams is also known as Kube Sukkhe (Clam dry) in konkani prepared with a common spice mix powder bafat which I always use in other recipes.

Preparation time: 5 minutes excluding cleaning time

Cooking time: 20 minutes

Serves: 3


Fresh live clams – 1 kg

Olive oil – 2 tbsp

Mustard seeds – 1 tsp

Garlic cloves – 3, finely chopped

Onion (medium) – 1, thinly diced

Bafat powder / Fish powder – 3/4 tbsp

Tamarind – 3 seeds or 1 tsp paste

 pinch of salt

Grated coconut –  1/4 cup 



> How to clean Clams ?

+ If you buy fresh clams, place them in a large pot with cold water (tap water). The water must be a few inches above the top of the clams.

+ In a while you will notice them opening slightly or moving. Dipping them in water allows them to remove any sand or dirt within the shells.

Live clams | Fresh clams

+ Allow to sit for an hour. Then drain and rinse. Fill with a fresh batch of water. Soak for couple of minutes say 15 minutes. This will allow to get rid of any more particles of grit and sand.

+ Drain and rinse of any dirt. Set aside.

+ If you notice any cracked or damaged shells throw them in the garbage.

+ Observe each shell carefully. Any clam with open shells tap them with your fingers gently. If they do not close, they are likely to be dead so throw them out.

Clams that are not suitable to eat | How to


1. Heat a large pot with olive oil on medium heat and add mustard seeds. Once they sputter add chopped garlic and onions. Fry them for a couple of seconds.

Ingredients for Clam recipe

2. Add bafat or any seafood powder. Toss in grated coconut and tamarind water or paste with a pinch of salt. Stir-fry for 3-4 minutes. Do not add any water or any more salt.

Clam ingredients | Easy recipe

3. Now, add the clams. Do not mix when the clams are closed. Cover and cook on medium for 5 minutes.

Cooking Shells | How to cook Clams

4. After 5 minutes if you notice they all have opened.

How to cook Clams | Easy cooking | Hungry?! That's what I made!

Mix to combine with the spice mixture. Turn off heat after a minute.

Spicy Clam Recipe | Easy | Mangalorean Style

Clam Recipe | South-Indian | Delicious Sweet Aroma


For more recipes on seafood click on the recipe below:

Flower Crab Recipe

Sweet Chilli Prawns

Black Pomfret Curry (Facebook link w/o pics)

Prawns with coconut milk

Coconut Shrimp Fry

If you have subscribed to my posts please follow my Facebook page>> Delicious Sweet Aroma << for any future updates on this site. Thank you for visiting!



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Raw Jackfruit Dry / Kadgi Sukhi in Clay Pot

Clay-pot recipes are one my families ancient ways of  cooking. My granies backyard has a separate open fireplace to cook food in clay-pots. My mom still cooks food in clay pots in granies kitchen. The food prepared in them are one of the tastiest than when prepared using other utensils.

Having lived abroad some foods can never replace home food. During my recent visit to Mangalore, I had enjoyed having cooked raw jackfruit prepared in clay pot (as we always do!). After I got to know that, this fruit is one of the fruits unknown to most people, I made sure I took a picture of it this time.

Home grown Jackfruits | Delicious Sweet Aroma

It varies in size. Since this fruit is very sticky, once cracked open, its a good idea to oil your hands and knife  before cutting. It’s an excellent vegetarian substitute for meat because of the fleshy inside. The skin of unripe jackfruit must be peeled first, the rest is chopped and then used to prepare savory dish with spicy chili paste. Young jackfruits also used to prepare curries, pickles and other dishes.

Raw jackfruitDSC04519

The size of Jackfruit used for preparing this recipe

Preparation time: 45 mins

Cooking time: 1 hour

Serves: 4 – 6 as sides


Raw Jackfruit – 1 small sized

Salt – 1 tsp


For tempering:

Vegetable/Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp

Mustard seeds – 3/4 tsp

Fresh/Frozen grated coconut – 1.5 cups (depending on the quantity)

Curry leaves – 2 stems

Garlic cloves – 2 large, smashed

Tamarind – 3 seeds, mixed in some water, seeds discarded

Onion – 1 medium, thinly sliced

Water – 1 cup or as required

Salt if necessary

Veg Red chili paste (click here) – 3 tbsp (mild), depending on spice level


How to >> Cut Raw Jackfruit


+ Prepare the working surface by covering with a large plastic. Add water into a large bowl and keep it aside.

Cut the Jackfruit into halves. Here, a traditional method using a sickle made it more easier. You can also use a large knife. (Following video shows how a ripe Jackfruit is cut)

Remove the latex from the fruit if a lot oozes out.

+Remove the skin. Cut them into chunks and dip them into the bowl of water. Set it aside until your ready to cook in the next steps.

Once your done. Apply  few drops of veg oil on hands to remove the latex. Wash with soap.

1. Cooking the jackfruit:

Strain the liquid from the jackfruit that was previously soaked in water. Add them into a claypot and enough water to soak. Add 1 tsp salt. Cook this until it becomes soft for 30 mins – 45 mins.

Kadgi Sukhi/Mangalorean cuisine/Raw jackfruit recipe

Raw Jackfruit dry, kadgi Sukhi, young jackfruit


Once the jackfruit is cooked. Strain it in a colander. Crush the jackfruit gently.


Crushed cooked jackfruit

Cooked raw jackfruit, gujje, halsinahannu

2. Tempering: Prepare the ingredients as given under tempering.

Tempering ingredients for Kadgi Sukhi

Heat a clay-pot. Add oil. When the oil is very hot, add mustard seeds. After they sputter, add curry leaves and garlic. Stir for few seconds.

Tempering in a Claypot

Add onions. Stir fry until they turn translucent.

adding onion

3. Add red chili paste and fry for few seconds. Then, add grated coconut, tamarind water and some salt. Mix well and toss for a few mins.

Grated coconut and masala in claypot

Add some water.

Claypot recipe, raw jackfruit recipe, South-Indian cuisine

4. Add the cooked jackfruit and mix well to coat the spice paste. Cook for 5- 10 minutes.

Kadgi Recipe, Raw Jackfruit Dry Recipe

You can enjoy having it plain or by using it as a side-dish.


Delicious Mangalorean Kadgi Sukhe, Raw Jackfruit Recipe

Sorry for a few blurry pics, I tried my best for good shots with time constraint. I hope you still enjoy making this. You can also try the recipe on how to make snacks using ripe jackfruit.

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Squid With Coconut Milk


Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 25 minutes


Fresh Squids – 1 kg, washed & cut into rings

Olive oil – 1 tbsp

Mustard Seeds – 1/2 tsp

Cumin Seeds – 1/2 tsp

Garlic Cloves – 3 big size

Onions – 1 medium, chopped

Garlic paste – 2 tsp

Curry Leaves – 8

Fish curry powder / Chicken powder – 1 tsp

Coriander powder – 2 tsp

Chili powder – 2 tsp

Coconut milk – 1/2 cup

Garam masala powder – 1 tsp



Squid Marinade: Mix the following with squid and let it sit for atleast 15 mins.

salt – 1/4 tsp

Chili powder –  1/2 tsp

Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp

squid marinade





1. Heat olive oil in a skillet. When its hot add mustard seeds. Once they crackle, add cumin seeds. Fry for 15 seconds without burning. Then, add garlic and fry for few seconds until you get an aroma.

Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds, cumin seeds



Quickly stir in onions.




2. When the onions turn translucent in 3 mins, add garlic paste, curry leaves, chicken powder, coriander powder, chili powder. Mix well and cook for 2 mins.

Garlic paste

Onions, curry leaves

Chicken curry powder

Chicken powder


Coriander powder

Coriander powder

Chili powder

Chili powder

3. Now, add the marinated squids, mix. Pour in the coconut milk , add garam masala powder and stir. Add 1/4 tsp salt, cover and cook till it boils for 10 mins. If you want more gravy add a bit more water or coconut milk.



Garam masala

Garam masala powder



4. Lastly, add tomatoes.

Tomatoes, squid gravy


Cook for 1 minute, check salt and turn off the heat.


Squid with coconut milk






# Remove from the heat after its done, so it doesn’t overcook the squids.

# Fresh curry leaves can be frozen and used anytime needed.



More recipes on Seafood click below:

Prawn with Coconut Milk

Coconut Shrimp Fry

Sweet Chili Prawns


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